Northwoods Country Rally

Today we played at the first annual Northwoods Country Rally in Glen Flora Wisconsin. It was a great time! We had a guest musician with us - Andrea Christopherson on fiddle. Great music!

We met a lot of nice people - great classic country fans. Everyone involved with the event was great to work with. John and Frosty, the sound and lights guys from Eau Claire did a great job setting up and mixing the sound. And thanks Wayne and Double-D.

Of course, outdoor events are always at the mercy of the weather. It started out really nice, but a couple hours into the show, a huge storm came through that brought things to a grinding halt. When the crew realized the storm was building, they started hooking the corners of the tent up to tractors and trucks. Even though the wind was extremely strong, the tent stayed in place (except for a few perimeter poles), and things were back on track after a half hour delay.

The Northwoods Country Rally continues through Sunday. Here is the website:

Posted May 31, 2013